Parkway Historical Documents

Documents pertaining to the 75th anniversary date

Documents pertaining to the 1933 origins of the Parkway idea and activities by Virginia supporters, including Senator Harry F. Byrd

Documents assembled for NEH Seminar July 2008

Documents Pertaining to the 75th Anniversary Date
(see also my page of "Key Dates in Early Blue Ridge Parkway History")

Previous celebrations of Parkway anniversaries have identified September 11, 1935 as the date of the groundbreaking or beginning of Parkway construction.

In 1988, the state of North Carolina installed a highway historical marker on the Parkway near Low Gap proclaiming that "construction began near here on September 11, 1935." Now, of course, the meaning of "construction" is unclear, but it seems generally to be understood as the moving of dirt.

New research, however, reveals that although the Project 2-A contract start date probably was September 11, 1935 (link takes you to a summary card from the Blue Ridge Parkway archives detailing work on the first Parkway section, Section 2-A) it is more likely that the groundbreaking (that is, first moving of dirt) for the Parkway took place on September 19, 1935. Consider the following documents (click the link to view a PDF of each document):

Documents pertaining to the 1933 origins of the Parkway idea and activities by Virginia supporters, including Senator Harry F. Byrd

Documents Assembled For the NEH Seminar July 2008